Always Feeling Tired

Self First
3 min readDec 27, 2020

As we go about in our life, we face a lot of ups and downs. And, sometimes those lows lead us to doubt ourselves every single moment and hence, non-productivity. This non-productivity is what can lead us to the path of mental exhaustion especially in the times of Corona, which we are living in. Do you think we feel tired only when we do some physical work?

Going through the mental exhaustion phase myself, I can say that it has nothing related to physical work. I have been carrying on with my routine for months and it is now that I feel really tired, not because of the work as I am used to it. Sometimes, even when I do nothing, I feel exhausted. Mental exhaustion is not just about the things that are going wrong in your life but also about the accumulation of “too many”. Too many demands, too many interruptions, too many decisions. All these results in Burnout.

We are very familiar with the fact that “Mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell”. It is because of the mitochondria we feel tired. Our body continuously processes everything and anything around in the environment and as soon as it senses that something is off it results in tiredness.

While there are various neurological reasons behind this tiredness like food intolerance, adrenal fatigue, high levels of toxins, low quality of sleep, or health condition, a continuation of this can result in depression, heart disease, or any chronic illness. Statistics show that 40% of teens feel tired more than they should.

Now, pause for a while and answer these for yourself.

Do you often feel burnout?

Do you often feel tired during the day?

Do you have trouble following your routine?

Do you have a struggle waking up in the morning?

If these questions result in Yes then you know now what is the reason behind it. Although, all these are reasons, and merely knowing them would not help us unless and until we do something about it.

What can be done?

  • Sleep Habits

At least take 7 hours of sleep.
If you have trouble sleeping, do eye muscular relaxation exercise while sleeping

Keep the environment around the room during bedtime quiet and relaxing

Turn off electronic devices at least 30 minutes prior to sleep

Avoid consuming alcohol and caffeine before bedtime

  • Exercising Regularly

Meditation, Workout, Yoga
Get yourself a partner so that it would motivate you.
Set a particular goal for the month
Taking out even 15 minutes of silence during the start of the day can be refreshing

  • Relaxation Time

Me time: 5 things in a week you can do for yourself. It can be as simple as listening to music.
Be alone together in your own company doing the work you like (cooking, planting, reading)
Journal your thoughts

  • Cutting off Caffeine

People who consume caffeine a lot are prone to headaches and dizziness. Totally cutting off from it can cause a “Caffeine Withdrawal” problem. Gradually decreasing the content can help.
Slowly shift from caffeine to decaf.
Begin to substitute cold caffeinated beverages with water.

  • Eating Habits

Have more fruits, vegetables, and low-fat dairy products.

Try to have a family meal

Drink as much water as you can. Keep yourself hydrated.

Cook for yourself

Always take one thing at a time. As much as your body needs relaxation, your mind does too. Take a break, reflect, and gradually get back on the track. Redefine the boundaries for yourself and cut off the things that might be leading to exhaustion. Always remember, not everything is in our control but maintaining a healthy lifestyle for yourself is totally in yours.

Let go of the things that aren’t in your control. Give yourself a priority. The Self comes First.



Self First

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